Choose the plan that’s right for your business

our pricing

Like crafting the perfect cup of coffee, we personalize our pricing to match your business needs. Let's chat about what caffeinates your business and find the ideal blend for growth.

  • Apex

    Starting at

    For businesses targeting rapid scaling.

      5 page website
      Custom Design
      2 Rounds of Revisions
      Responsive Design (mobile-friendly)
      Contact Form
      Third Party Integrations
      Visitor Analytics
      Built-in Appointment/Reservation Management System
  • Momentum

    Starting at

    For businesses pursuing growth opportunities.

      5 page website
      Custom Design
      2 Rounds of Revisions
      Responsive Design (mobile-friendly)
      Contact Form
      Third Party Integrations
      Visitor Analytics
  • Catalyst

    Starting at

    For businesses in their early stages or newly established.

      One Page Website
      Custom Design
      2 Rounds of Revisions
      Responsive Design (mobile-friendly)
      Contact Form
  • Executive Care


    Enhance operations with our booking systems and seamless integrations. Stay organized and deliver top-notch service effortlessly.

      Includes Premium Hosting
      Lifetime updates
      Security Monitoring
      Daily & Offline Backups
      Email/Chat Support
      Premium Plugin Licenses & Support
      SSL Certificate
      Advanced Firewall & Protection
      Dedicated Server
      Performance monitoring & optimization
      Advanced Analytics
      Appointment Booking Software
      Online Payment Integrations
  • Enhanced Care


    Enjoy comprehensive support and confidence as your business grows. Focus on what matters while we handle the details.

      Includes Premium Hosting
      Lifetime updates
      Security Monitoring
      Daily & Offline Backups
      Email/Chat Support
      Premium Plugin Licenses & Support
      SSL Certificate
      Advanced Firewall & Protection
      Dedicated Server
      Performance monitoring & optimization
      Advanced Analytics
  • Essential Care


    Focus on your business while we handle your website's upkeep for smooth, secure operations. Stay productive and worry-free.

      Includes Premium Hosting
      Lifetime updates
      Security Monitoring
      Weekly Backups
      Email Support
      Premium Plugin Licenses & Support
      SSL Certificate
      Advanced Firewall & Protection